Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Genesis...

Where do I start? Lets start with relationships. The one thing that I've never really understood is why you would let go of a good thing. I hear it a lot from my female friends that there are no good brothers left in the world, that chilvary is dead, and that blanka's aint ish. Well of course I disagree with that. For the past 2 years I was doing things that I had never done for a woman. Coming up with creative idea's for her, showing her that she was appreciated, showing her that I loved her besides always telling her, and it got me to this point in my life to where once again I was heartbroken. Now I could sit and say "the chicks aint ish" but where would that get me? having that attitude could cost me the chance of meeting someone new. Now I am still in my healing process, but at the same time, I cant close myself off to someone who might be interested in me. I'm honest with females when I tell them that I am not looking for a relationship at this moment, however, If things are going in that direction, who am I to reject what could be a blessing from GOD.

Now I will admit that I do have a lil school boy crush on a certain young lady, but I havent told her. I will in due time (I think that she knows, I think that she knooooooows...word to JT). Right now I am focused on the things that I have wanted to do, and the things that I have been called to do. God has connected me with people who line up with my destiny, and I cant miss out on an opportunity right now, but I will say this, If my crush looks at me the same way that I may look at her, then I am open to letting things happen the way GOD has planned.


1. The 2Live Stews, 1-4pm mon - fri on 790the Zone
2. DJ Princess Cut
3. The Chi-Town homie Latrice
4. My Word of Faith family (come visit sometime, we're right behind Six Flags)
5. Bishop Dale C. Bronner

Until next time, chase the vision, hold on to it, and never ever give up.

1 comment:

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